Sunday, March 3, 2013

San Antonio Zoo!

We were all our own all day on Tuesday so we decided to hit the San Antonio Zoo!  We stopped at a cute little bakery on the way for some yummy sticky buns, milk...and coffee for me!  :)  The girls were both so good the entire time and got several compliments.  I hate how fast they are growing up but things like that remind me of all the fun we will have as they get older.  I see lots of brunches, pedicures, and girl days in my future!  :)

 The zoo was just a couple minutes away and let me tell you...we loved it!  It was laid out a little different and it had some neat exhibits that we don't have at the Dallas Zoo that we frequent.  :)  Our favorite exhibit was probably the hippos.  I could just watch them frolic and play in the water all day!  They also had a really neat kid area that we spent a good amount of time in.  
We made it to the zoo!
 Of course Ryne found some friends that she wanted to hang with!  We did do a couple of things with them before I drug her away going our separate ways.

Playing at the crocodile exhibit.  Supposedly crocodiles have lenses over their eyes similar to goggles.
Of course we had to feed the birds!  Ryne is obsessed with feeding the birds and would seriously do it 5 times in a row.  Reese was a little worried after that one bird landed on her head but she handled it well!

This little guy was smaller than Star!  
The kid area had everything for pretend play.  House, tool shed, grocery store, vet, backyard, campsite, under the sea, etc.  We spent over an hour to wandering around where ever the girls wanted to go.  I let Reese out of her stroller here and it was a bit interesting trying to keep them both heading the same direction!

Ryne decided to write a word...this is what she picked.  Yep, proud Mommy moment!  ha!

playing peek-a-boo!

testing her flamingo skills! 

 Ryne wanted one more time on the lion family before leaving...I let Reese join in on the fun!

We had such a great time at the zoo!  I wish Jeremy could have joined us but somebody has to play for all our adventures!  :)

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