Sunday, March 31, 2013

Last week...

We bought Ryne some Easter shoes...they match her dress perfectly and they are wedges which she loved!  :)  I bought two options and she wanted to keep them both...girl loves her shoes!
Reese wanted to get in on the fun!
cute little toes!
Little monkey climbed all the way up this ladder without help!  Agh!  She is growing up too fast!  Don't worry though...I climbed with her with my hands on her at all times!  :)
Ryne had an Easter party at school and was nice enough to let Reese hold her basket of eggs on the way home.  She snuck alot of candy!  Like more than she's had in her entire life!

Sweet little princess snoozing away with her necklaces on!
Ryne and Reese have been big helps giving Star her medicine.  Well Ryne helps and Reese just enjoys her own spoonful of peanut butter!
We passed out some Easter eggs while shopping at Wal-Mart...Ryne had a blast making people smile!

Friday night Uncle Lance came over for dinner and a little Rock Band!  He also introduced us to a new Blue Bell ice cream - Banana Pudding...yum!

Ryne had a soccer game on Thursday (I'll blog about that later) and then my folks and little brother came in late Friday night to spend Saturday with us!  It was a busy week!

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