Sunday, March 3, 2013

Night 2 on the River Walk!

After the zoo and quick baths we headed back to the River Walk.  We ate at a little steak house and then went to Rain Forest Cafe for dessert.
All cleaned up and ready to go!

Ryne and Daddy took the stairs while Reese and I had to ride elevators. with the stroller.  Ryne was in heaven with all the stairs!
Dinner time!
 We promised Ryne that if she was super good we would go to RFC for dessert.  She had never been and was so excited to see "animal robots".  Luckily she was great and we went for some yummy dessert!

 We ended up getting 3.  I ordered the donut holes to share with Reese.  Jeremy got an ice cream sandwich and Ryne got some worms and mud.  The donut holes were amazing!  They had powdered sugar on them and you could dip them in chocolate or caramel...yum!  Reese wouldn't touch them but J and I thought they were really good!

We let the girls pick out a toy on the way out. Their smiles in the car pretty much summed up a pretty great day!

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