Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Jenks Aquarium...

We left early yesterday morning to drive from OKC to Tulsa.  Once there we dropped daddy off and headed to the aquarium in Jenks.  It was cool but pretty small and we were pushing it to be there for just 2 hours!  We kept going back to the same things over and over and spent a good deal of time in the gift shop!  But the girls seemed to enjoy it and I liked watching them have fun!  :)

 They had a couple different areas where you could touch the different animals.  Reese is petting a starfish here...

Ryne's swimming with the fishes!
 We made it through the whole aquarium in 45 minutes.  Yep, 45 minutes!  So we browsed the gift shop and the girls picked out new friends.  Then we went and did it again!  :)

How can you say no to the way over-priced stuffed animal when this sweet face is begging for it?!
 Our next trip through the stingray and shark touch tank was open!  Ryne jumped right in!

There was a scuba diver in there cleaning the tank.  The girls watched that the longest!  ha!

petting a shark!

watching the turtles.
 Sissy kept going back to the stingray and shark touch tank so Reese decided to play peek-a-boo while we waited for her!

On the way out for the second time they had the turtle food open.  You put little slivers of carrots on a clothes pin and they ate it off.  Super fun for the girls!
 Of course no trip anywhere would be complete without posing with the statues!

Reese fell asleep before we made it out of the parking lot!  So we let her nap and then headed to a park once so woke up.  This was one of the coolest parks.  It was just very different but fun.  Plus it was on the river with trails going everywhere.  There were runners, walkers, and bikers everywhere!

This spun around.  Ryne liked crawling on it like a hamster!

Reese wasn't too sure about the spinning seat!
 After some play time we went to pick up Daddy and head to Arkansas!  We met my cousin and her family for dinner!  It was so great to see them!  Our girls just laughed and played and were really loud and crazy!  I'm sure everyone was happy to see us leave!  ha!
Reese saying hi to Heisman!
 Then we tried for a picture of all the girls...

Love the Hayes family and I am so glad they were able to meet us for a bit!  Of course we moved to Texas right about the time they moved close to us in Arkansas!  That's life.

Today we are meeting some friends for a couple different play dates and then going to our old small group.  Should be a fun day!

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