Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oklahoma Science Museum...

On Monday we went to the Science Museum.  We planned to go to the Zoo but it was COLD!  I am so glad it worked out that way because this was an awesome place to spend the day!  
Is this not the BEST cut-out picture ever?  It really looks like she is in that suit!
I remember doing the shadow box thing when I was a kid...it's still cool!  :)

 Poor Reese was in her stroller about 75% of the time!  It is just too hard to chase 2 around the whole time and they never seem to want to go the same way!  ha!

 There were 2 kid areas - one that was like a big tree house with a huge winding slide and one that had lots of activities for smaller kids.  We spent quite a bit of time in both.

Hanging out in the john deer tractor.
Firewomen to the rescue!

everyone loves a water table with boats!

 Ryne kept going back to the face painting and looked like this when we left the toddler area!  :)

Earthquake house!  Reese is saying "woah" over and over!
 Ryne got to drive a segway!  She was such a bog girl waiting in line and was so excited!  She did awesome on it!

 We walked through the "Who Dunit".  Seems like a fun activity for older kids!

Reese saw this and immediately said cheese!  :)
 They had a cool train to look at plus lots of miniature trains going on lots of tracks.
 They had a whole section devoted to flight - airplanes and space ships.  Ryne loved getting to try them out!

 They had a section to play with your mind/eyes.  Ryne's favorite was this big table.  I liked trying to figure our the pictures.

 This was a fun thing for the kids to climb on!  It said for 7+ but I let Ryne do it and she had no problems.  :)

 This one was smaller for 5+...
We also had to try out the maze of mirrors!  The girls just laughed and laughed!!
 Our last stop was the planetarium!  We made it through about 30 minutes of the show before little wiggle worm could not be contained anymore.

 Once we got out and headed to the gift shop for little souvenirs I realized I no longer had my phone!  I knew I had it in the planetarium so we had to wait for them to open the doors.  Well, we missed everyone coming out and it took awhile to find the planetarium lady.  Once I did she said that she had just given a phone that fit my description to a man who said he had left a phone with the same description.  Long story short - after speaking with several people and almost crying because I seriously had no idea how to even get back to my hotel without the map app (!) the man she gave it to walked through so she stopped him.  Yep, it was my phone!!  Praise the Lord I got it back because I would have been in big trouble this week without one!

We headed back to the hotel to meet up with Daddy before going to meet the Manley's for dinner.  We went to Spaghetti Warehouse...yum!  I only took two pictures but we had a great time hanging out with them!  They have 2 precious boys and are about to welcome a sweet little girl!
Jeremy holding Reese and Brooks...they are like 10 days apart in age!

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