Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kindergarten Round-Up!

I can't believe that it is time to register my baby for Kindergarten!!  Where did the time go?!  Ryne was so, not so much!

My big girl so excited to go to a real school!
Thankfully Daddy was able to join us.  I needed the emotional support!
They took all the future Kindergartners on a little tour while they talked to the parents.  They have 3 K5 teachers and all of them seem so sweet.  They said over and over that they knew they were our babies and they were honored to be able to teach them.  I almost lost it every time they referred to them as our babies though!  I am going to miss my little firecracker so much when she is in school every day next year!  Reese was a little worried about where Ryne went and when she would get back.  She asked for her numerous times.  It was so sweet when Ryne walked back up.  Her and Reese both squealed and ran to each  They are going to miss each other next year too!
There's Sissy!

I was very impressed by the school, teachers, and principal.  I am still not loving the idea of sending her any where Monday-Friday from 7:40 - 3:05!  Such a long day away from my little girl!  I am sure I will be a hot mess once school starts!  We go back in August for the placement testing...I'm sure our little smarty pants will do fine!  :)

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