Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Alumni Game...

On Saturday we headed to Camden for the alumni game.  I haven't been able to play the past few years because of being pregnant or out of town so I was excited to participate this year even if I was a little scared I would break something!  ha!
Ryne and Reese made a bee line for the playground as soon as we got there!  They did come in long enough to watch me play, but that was about it!

helping her sissy!
Kylie and Ryne were laughing at some big kids being super silly!

Ready to cheer for mommy!
Believe it or not but the alumni kicked booty!  I was pretty excited to have made it through the game without needing oxygen or breaking something.  I was known to be on the floor alot during my ball playing days.  I wasn't scared of getting hurt then!  I thought that was behind me.  Well what do you know...I have a little fight left in me and found myself on the ground after scrambling for a loose ball.  I ended up with a strawberry on my knee and a swollen, bruised shin.  Yep, 31 stinks!
The winning team!
I tried to let my love of basketball rub off on my girls.  My littlest one seemed to enjoy it!

The rest of our team had already left before they passed out trophies!

Ryne and Ava keeping score!

After the game we went back to my parents for the night.  Brad and his kiddos stayed for dinner and a little play time before they headed back home.
The 4 grands...
Cameron is so stinkin' cute and sweet!  He kept loving on Reese and Reese just ate it up!  
We had a laid back evening after that and all went to bed pretty early.  Jeremy and I were worn out after only getting a few hours of sleep the night before!  The next morning we started our tag along journey with Jeremy.  First stop...Oklahoma City!

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