Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jeremy's birthday weekend!

Jeremy turned 32 last Sunday...32!!  When did we get so old?!  Anyways, we celebrated as much as possible with our two little people.  :)  Jeremy say a Harlem Shake video on Friday for the first time.  He decided it would be fun to make one.  So we let Ryne stay up late and made a Harlem Shake - Toy Story Style.  Ryne had the best time and was just cracking up.  It was a fun little Friday night activity.  :)
 On Saturday we hung out in our pj's as long as possible.  The girls enjoyed playing in our bed and going "nigh-nigh" over and over.  I love watching them play and be sweet to one another!  After aw while we decided to go watch Escape from Planet Earth.  We timed it during Reese's nap so she ended falling asleep after some "cockcorn" of course.  Which meant that I got to watch the movie too...yay!  :)  And yes she says "cockcrow" for popcorn!  ha!

 After the movie it was time for a much needed hair appointment for me!  Praise Jesus for giving me a husband who watched the girls for a couple hours on HIS birthday weekend to get my hair done!

Then we met up to eat dinner at Tokyo Harbor.  We love hibachi!  We had to wait forever but the food was super good so I guess it was worth it.  :)  Reese still isn't too crazy about the fire and Ryne was super worried our chef was going to throw food at her or trick her in some way...but all was good!  :)

The next day was Jeremy's birthday!!  We started the day with church and then met Jan and Ken for lunch.  After lunch we headed back to our house for his birthday banana pudding and gifts.

I love to make a big deal about birthdays (just not mine! ha!) so I decided to have 32 gifts for Jeremy to open.  This is what our dining room table looked like...
 He got busy and dug right in!
 His gifts included both big and little things.  His big gift was the normal Yankee tickets.  This year I switched it up and we are sitting behind home plate.  That should be pretty cool even if we are further away from Jeter!  lol!  Some of his other gifts were Chris Tomlin tickets, a "lucky us" key chain that has pennies from special years (2003, 2007, 2011), Yankees lamp, How to be a Longhorn sign, a variety of candy, chips/salsa, beef jerky, sunflower seeds, Yankee Coaster, his favorite movie - Signs, 1981 World Series program (which he already had...oops!), table tennis, golf balls, Dora snack, new headphones, t-shirt, baseball, face mask for a little pampering!, a front carry wallet, flip flops, and On The Border gift card.  

After presents it was time to sing happy birthday and dig into banana pudding!

After banana pudding we headed to the movies while the girls hung out with Pops and GranJan.  We watched Identity Theft and it was so funny!  Then we headed through McD's drive thru to do our 318 weekly challenge before going home.  It is so fun doing something nice for a stranger!

A little bedtime snuggles with our girls concluded J's birthday weekend!  I hope J had a wonderful birthday!  He works so hard so I can stay home with our girls and I am so thankful for the man and daddy he is!  We love you Boo!

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