Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fun City Pizza...

Wednesday morning we headed to Fun City Pizza with our old neighbors that we miss terribly!  We were pretty excited about FCP too...they have really yummy pizza.  :)  We got there about the same time and the girls were off playing like they had just seen each other yesterday!  Olivia sent Ryne the sweetest book a few weeks ago that fit them perfectly.  It was about next door neighbors who did lots of stuff together and then one of them moved away.  The book had BFF necklaces and Olivia kept one before sending the book.  Both girls had theirs on and loved making them fit together!  Ryne still talks about Olivia all the time and is still so sad that we don't live next door to them anymore.  Me too!

But we had a blast playing and eating pizza Wednesday!  :)
Ryne and Olivia being silly!
Sweet Lilly!
Sweet Reese!
The ice cream truck is always a big hit with Ryne and Olivia.  They love to pretend like they are handing out ice cream.  The little girls got in on the fun this trip!

At one point we couldn't find one of Lilly's ear pieces and we looked everywhere!  I climbed into the play area to look in all the tunnels.  Reese went with me and loved crawling around!  We searched all through them and no luck.  Liana was about to start digging through the trash cans when another mom happened to find it.  Where you ask?!  On the floor right where we had been standing watching the kiddos!  ha!  So glad she found it before Liana was elbow deep in trash!

After climbing around with me Reese figured out she could do it on her own!  Ryne stayed close to help if she got stuck.
All 4 girls in the bubble!
We had to get some yummy ice cream too.  The big girls got their own and Liana and I thought we could share with our little girls.  Nope, they were not sharing a single bite!  ha!

We had such a great time playing and were sad to have to go.  But Reese started melting down from no nap (It was 2:30 and she normally naps at 11!).  We miss our neighbors so much!!

The girls both took short naps and then we went to the Dura's house for some more playtime.  The girls jumped on the trampoline before deciding to make mud pies!  Crazy kids!  We enjoyed visiting for a little bit before heading back to the hotel for baths.  I was rushing to get everyone cleaned up because we planned to go to our old small groups.  Unfortunately Jeremy didn't make it back to Fayetteville in time.  Hopefully next trip!
Addy, Mia, and Ryne making mud!

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