Thursday, March 7, 2013

Our week...

We had a pretty normal week this week.  Nothing exciting, just lots of hanging out with my girls!  I did some cleaning...
The best place for the girls and dogs for mommy to have a moment of peace!
 I pulled out the big kennel to take pictures to put on the exchange...btw - I am in the cleaning out and selling mood!  Apparently I have been selling too much stuff because anytime we pull into the movie theater or Walgreen's parking lot Ryne asks me if we are meeting someone.  ha!  Anyways, once I pulled it out and cleaned it both girls wanted to play in it.  Whatever works right?!

We did some coloring and dancing...

This is her saying "cheese" and smiling!  :)

 So sweet...she came to get her mommy to dance with her.  Completely melts my heart!

 Reese has turned into a complete monkey!!  She climbs on top of everything.  I am not loving this new found skill.  I can;t turn my back for 2 seconds without turning back around to see this...
 We did some grocery shopping.  We lucked out with this double seater and the girls rode in comfort.  I did get stopped by a man who said that Reese was about to fall out.  I nicely showed him how tight the straps were and explained that she couldn't get her arm back through to fall out and I never leave them unattended (either my hands or eyes are on them at all times).  He acted like he didn't believe me and I swear followed me around for awhile.  So frustrating!
 Doesn't everyone wear tutus over their pjs?  Reese LOVES her many tutus!
 Today was western day at Ryne's school.  She gave Reese a little horseback riding lesson before we left.

Cute little cowgirl!
 Reese and I came home to play while sissy had fun at western day.  She loves to cover up her princesses to go "nigh-nigh".

Super baby!
 I ran to get dirty clothes from the girls room and came back to this...

so proud of herself!
I had a fun little surprise when I uploaded pictures tonight...Ryne had a little fun with the camera!

Love that crazy, silly, spunky little girl!

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