Sunday, March 3, 2013

San Antonio Children's Museum

On Wednesday we decided to go to the Children's Museum.  Jeremy was working with a rep until 5 so we had the whole day before heading home.  Before we could leave we had to load up the car and that proved to be quite the adventure!  They were working on remodeling and there were only a few people staying on our floor.  The stairs were off limits (not that I could have done that with the girls and all our stuff) and the elevator was full of a king size mattress and box springs every time it stopped on our floor.  I had left the room keys in the room so we were seriously stuck!  After about 10 minutes we finally got an empty elevator and headed down.
writing a little note before leaving.

I think I got it all!
The Children's Museum was so much fun!  There were so many different places to explore and we had fun the entire time we were there!  My favorite area was probably the grocery store and the girls loved the ball "pit" the best!

 Helping direct the air traffic.

 They had the coolest grocery store complete with buggies, shopping list, and real working scanners and touch screen computers!

She is comparing prices to make sure she is getting the best deal!  :)
Awe man, look at this line!

This was a fun bubble exhibit!

Reese was playing with some pretend spaghetti in the kitchen area when a little girl around 4 climbed on top of the table and tried to jerk it out of her hands!  Reese held on tight so the little girl loudly complained (while still laying on top of the table) that Reese wasn't sharing!  Her mom responded with "not all kids share like they should".  Seriously?!  I looked at her like she was a complete idiot because lets face it...she was, and then pointed her little girl to the bucket of pretend spaghetti which she of course didn't want.  I had to bite my tongue big time!

Cashier Ryne!

 This was the ball "pit" although it wasn't really a pit.  There were all kids of tubes to put the balls in to watch them swirl all over the place.  They would end in a bucket at the top which would open up and dump all the balls when a certain button was pushed.  The girls LOVED it!

now that's teamwork!

A ball rolled between her legs so she reached until I gave her the ball!  :)

This girl was tired!  She wanted to lay down so bad!
We enjoyed our day there and hated to leave when it was time to pick-up Daddy.  It was a great little get-away.  I love spending time with our girls away from all the day to day chores and obligations.  We made some pretty sweet memories!

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