Sunday, March 31, 2013

Last week...

We bought Ryne some Easter shoes...they match her dress perfectly and they are wedges which she loved!  :)  I bought two options and she wanted to keep them both...girl loves her shoes!
Reese wanted to get in on the fun!
cute little toes!
Little monkey climbed all the way up this ladder without help!  Agh!  She is growing up too fast!  Don't worry though...I climbed with her with my hands on her at all times!  :)
Ryne had an Easter party at school and was nice enough to let Reese hold her basket of eggs on the way home.  She snuck alot of candy!  Like more than she's had in her entire life!

Sweet little princess snoozing away with her necklaces on!
Ryne and Reese have been big helps giving Star her medicine.  Well Ryne helps and Reese just enjoys her own spoonful of peanut butter!
We passed out some Easter eggs while shopping at Wal-Mart...Ryne had a blast making people smile!

Friday night Uncle Lance came over for dinner and a little Rock Band!  He also introduced us to a new Blue Bell ice cream - Banana Pudding...yum!

Ryne had a soccer game on Thursday (I'll blog about that later) and then my folks and little brother came in late Friday night to spend Saturday with us!  It was a busy week!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend get-away and poor Star...

Last weekend Jeremy and I made a quick trip to Biloxi, MS.  We stayed in a nice Hotel that had an awesome pool area on one side and ocean on the other...but it was cold!  ha!  We enjoyed the weekend filled with eating out, shopping, and watching a couple movies.  Very relaxing but we missed our crazy kiddos!

While we were there Jan mentioned that Star was shaking really bad when they let her out of the kennel.  She said she calmed down after a bit so we said just to watch her but that we thought she had just gotten cold or something.  Well she was fine after that until about 2 hours after we got home on Sunday.  She was acting really weird so I picked her up and she just fell back on my arm and was trembling.  She calmed down after a few minutes but was just acting so weird so Jeremy jumped in the car to take her to an animal hospital.  Well after about 4 different "hospitals" (I don't think they should be able to call themselves that unless they have somebody there 24/7!) she was acting okay so he came back home.  We watched her all night and then I called to make an appointment first thing.  Well 11am was the earliest they could do so we had to wait until then.  While we were at the house she was following me and just stopped and fell on her side.  I was so worried about her!  The girls and I headed to the vet...right at Reese's nap time.  Awesome.

Poor hurt Star Baby...
Our Vet is great but it takes awhile.  By the time he got in there Reese was melting down and Ryne was trying to ask a million questions!  He wanted me to leave her for a few hours for them to do some xrays, laser therapy, and blood work.  So we left her there and Ryne was so worried about that.  You can see down a hallway where they keep the dogs and she didn't like that they put her in a cage.  Me either!  :(

We went home for nap/quiet time and to await their call for us to come and pick her up.  The Vet himself called a few hours later and said that the xrays were not conclusive but that it seemed like she had a ruptured disc in her neck.  He said they did laser therapy on her neck and she would be sent home with two prescriptions (1-3 times a day and 1 - 2 times a day).  They hadn't gotten her lab work in yet because that normally takes 24 hours.  So I loaded up the girls to go pick up Star Baby.  Once we got there the Vet came out a said that on the xray her heart was a little enlarged as well as her liver...but he wasn't that worried about that unless something else showed up on her lab work.

She was already acting so much happier when we picked her up.  She had a little pep in her step and seemed to not be in so much pain.  Yay!  The next day the Vet called me after 7pm (that's dedication) to tell me that her labs where great except for some crystallization in her I have been trying to encourage her to drink more water.

She is currently on the mend but it could happen again easily so we are trying to keep her from jumping off the couch and stuff.  I told our Vet that she had a little pep back in her step and he told me to stop it!  ha!  Not real sure how to completely stop it but I have been carrying her around more.  So happy she is okay!

Funny because her name is "Rock Star"!  Plus with our $500 bill on Monday I really think they believe they are treating rockstars!  :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

After school sonic run!

Reese and I were ready to go pick Sissy up that afternoon!  Ryne asked if we could go to Sonic after school to play and I thought it was a great idea!  They have a fun little playground that is perfect for them and they will bring you your drinks!  :)

Fun Thursday afternoon with my girls!  

Just Reese...

We dropped Ryne off at KDO after her Kindergarten Round-up.  She was so excited to tell her friends about her exciting morning!  Then Reese and I headed back home for her nap.  I decided to snap a few pictures of her before laying her down because she was in such a silly mood!  She is happy 99% of the time and is such a joy.  She loves to laugh and does most of the day!  God has truly blessed us with both of our precious girls!

Kindergarten Round-Up!

I can't believe that it is time to register my baby for Kindergarten!!  Where did the time go?!  Ryne was so, not so much!

My big girl so excited to go to a real school!
Thankfully Daddy was able to join us.  I needed the emotional support!
They took all the future Kindergartners on a little tour while they talked to the parents.  They have 3 K5 teachers and all of them seem so sweet.  They said over and over that they knew they were our babies and they were honored to be able to teach them.  I almost lost it every time they referred to them as our babies though!  I am going to miss my little firecracker so much when she is in school every day next year!  Reese was a little worried about where Ryne went and when she would get back.  She asked for her numerous times.  It was so sweet when Ryne walked back up.  Her and Reese both squealed and ran to each  They are going to miss each other next year too!
There's Sissy!

I was very impressed by the school, teachers, and principal.  I am still not loving the idea of sending her any where Monday-Friday from 7:40 - 3:05!  Such a long day away from my little girl!  I am sure I will be a hot mess once school starts!  We go back in August for the placement testing...I'm sure our little smarty pants will do fine!  :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day!

We love to have lunch out after church on Sundays.  I always did growing up and it just seems right.  :)  We decided on IHOP on St. Patty's day because we love breakfast any time!

playing games on Mommy's phone while we waited for a table.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out around the house.  I stumbled on a St. Patty's shirt that I boxed up from Ryne (still had on tags!) so Reese got to wear it!  Love that little "Sham-Rocker"!