Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reese's birthday...

Reese, I hope you forgive us in how your actual first birthday was spent.  We started the day with cleaning to get ready for the inspection that afternoon.  Then we went to your doctor appointment where you got 4 shots!  They did gush over how beautiful and sweet you are though so that helps right?!  Then we spent the rest of the day shopping and running errands because we couldn't go home because of the inspection.  After that was church (which I took you with us because no way was I leaving you on your birthday!).  You did get alot of attention at small group so maybe that made up for some of the day.  Through it all (besides the 10 seconds following your shots) you were your happy smiley self!  You seriously might be the most laid back and happy baby ever!

You did enjoy doing some test driving in Toys R Us!  :)
On a side note...our wonderful small group had a going away cake and card for us.  They are so thoughtful.  We are going to miss those sweet friends for sure!

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