Friday, June 15, 2012

Branson vacay...

I am pretty behind on the blog...for good reason because we have been BUSY!  Anyways, we went on our family vacation at the beginning of May.  We like to do a family one and a grown-up one each year.  This year we decided to go to Branson for the family one.  It is close and has a ton of stuff to do with the little ones!  I was a terrible picture taker and the only pictures on a real camera were at a rest area on the way there!  Mommy fail on that one...we were just too busy having fun to worry about lugging around a big camera!  :)

Once we got there it was pretty much time for baths and bed!  It did take awhile to get the girls to settle down and go to sleep...they were too excited!
They LOVED the huge tub!

The next morning we headed to Silver Dollar City!  It was fun but hot and crowded!  We had finally made it to the kid rides and were actually sitting on one when they made everyone get off because lightening was within 5 miles.  We waited around for a little bit but then decided to head back to the condo to swim.

loving on their souvenirs!
The next day we played a little putt-putt, rode bumper boats, go karts, and finished the day off with Dixie Stampede.  Ryne had a blast doing it all but really loved Dixie Stampede!  She asked to go back several times that week.  Reese seemed to enjoy it too but I think her favorite part was hearing daddy whistle!  She tried to imitate him every time and it cracked us up!

The next day was spent doing touristy things.  We went to Reflection Tower (I think was the name), the fish conservatory, Mel's Hard Luck Diner, and walked around Village Shops.  Mel's Diner was pretty neat because all the waiters and waitresses sang.  Ours sang "In my daughter's eyes" (one of my favorites) and Ryne told her that she had a beautiful voice just like a princess!  :)
The next day we spent the majority of the morning in the pool and then spent the rest of the day shopping at Branson Landing.  While there we had to get old time photos done of the girls.  Because really no Branson trip would be complete without them!  :)
Our last full day there was spent at SDC again.  This time it wasn't near as hot or crowded!  We had the best time and pretty much walked on every ride.  Ryne loved the rides but also really enjoyed the play areas, splash pads, Grandpa's Mansion, petting zoo, and feeding a squirrel part of her lunch!  Her favorite though was going in the cave.  She walked the whole time and was such a trooper!  I love how adventurous she is.  She is my little dare devil and I can't wait to be able to ride real roller coasters with her!

We also swam alot!  Ryne was in the pool every day!  Reese was in most the time but we kept her out a couple days.  Reese loved being in the water...even though it was pretty chilly!  Ryne could have stayed in all day every day and been perfectly happy!  

We seriously had the best time!  It was so nice to just be us and not have any distractions or normal responsibilities.  We thoroughly enjoyed our week away!

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