Friday, June 15, 2012

Reese's dedication...

We got home from Branson Friday afternoon.  That evening my brother came to stay the night with us because his best friend was graduating the next day with his doctrine.  Ryne was super excited to see him but couldn't understand why Ava didn't come too!  lol! Saturday my folks and Jan and Ken came in to watch Reese's dedication on Sunday.  Sunday was also Mother's Day.  I love that they did the dedication on Mother's special.  Anyways, we cooked a big dinner Saturday night so we could just hang out and visit.  It was great to be able to spend Mother's Day weekend with family!

On Sunday morning we headed to church early to be ready for the dedication.  The gparents met us there a little later.  A photographer (who also goes to CC) took pictures for each family before service.  I got the disk in the mail this week and just love them!  It was so sweet of her to do that for everyone!

hanging with daddy before service started...

Of course no dedication would be complete without a story.  Ryne's consisted of poop all up her back and all over my arm by the time it was over.  Yuck!  Well Reese's was going good until we all had to file back around to the front.  I was wearing wedge shoes that were like 4 inches high (and I hardly ever wear heels anymore) and stumbled on some stairs (they came out of nowhere! lol!).  I was holding Reese and didn't actually fall, but still pretty embarrassing! It was still a great morning and the important thing is just dedicating ourselves to raise Reese to know and love the Lord.

We picked up lunch on the way home to celebrate Mother's Day with the gparents. They didn't get to stay very long after lunch but it was great spending the weekend with everyone.  Ryne and Reese had no shortage of attention the whole weekend!
I LOVE my gift!  Ryne made it at KDO and was so excited and proud to give it to me!

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