Friday, June 15, 2012

Beginning and End...

I can't believe how much Ryne has changed since August.  She seemed so grown-up at the time but looking back she looks like such a baby!  
First day of KDO - August 2011

Last day of KDO - May 2012

So silly!

Oh my I love this person!
 Ryne has a giving spirit and I love that about her.  She has always loved bringing gifts to her teachers and has been a big help in picking out things for them.  For the end of the year we decided to get them stuff for summer.  Beach towel, flip flops, cup, and candy...lots of candy!

So excited carrying in presents!
 They did water play days the last week of KDO.  Ryne came home happy and tired from all the fun!
Ryne's awesome teachers - Ms. Sarah and Ms. Tiffany!  We love them!

And we love Ms. Jilly Bean!  She runs a great program!

Saying bye to sweet friends is hard!
 The next day we kicked off our summer with an ice cream breakfast!  Yummo!  This will for sure be a tradition from now fun!
Since then we have been enjoying the summer...and working on finding a new house in Texas!

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