Friday, June 15, 2012

Ryne's end of the year program!

Ryne has loved KDO!  Her program was on May 17th (easy to remember because it was mine and J's 9 year anniversary!!)  She was so excited and did SO good!  I was one proud Mommy!  However, huge fail on my part.  I actually brought the real camera and got there and the battery was completely dead!  NO!!!!  So these crummy iphone pics are all we have to remember her very first end of the year program.  :(
The ones going to Kindergarten next year wore caps and glad Ryne isn't one of them!

 She sang her little heart out and did all the motions.  She sat like such a big girl too!  She did amazing and it was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen!  She didn't want to stay for the rest of KDO that day so she ran errands with me.  After Daddy got done working we went out for a celebratory dinner for Ryne and for our 9 year anniversary.  We went to Shoguns, a favorite for us all!
She has gotten pretty good with chopsticks!  ;)
It was a fun day with my little family!  Congratulations on a job well done Ry-Ry!

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