Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Lovin'

What is it about summer that makes you want to eat out, play outside, watch movies, get ice cream, grill out...basically act like you are on vacation?  We have been enjoying summer and living it up...well as much as you can with 2 little ones!  :)
We like to hang at our neighbors...Reese loves their water table!
We like to grab the occasional ice cream from McD's.  We won't eat their chicken but the ice cream has to be okay right?!  lol!
Ryne is kinda living in swimsuits right now!
Love summer time grilling!
Reese's very first taste of sweets...ice cream from the ice cream truck!  I gave her a little taste and she took over!  She screamed when I tried to take it away!  ha!
Rex and Chloe...dogs of some neighbors.  They are friendly but will still act like they are about to take your head off.  They follow us most of our walks and run up barking anytime we leave through our front door.  Ryne loves them...me?  Not so much!

Reese is our neighbor's water table again!
Sometimes when it is really hot you just have to head inside to a good movie - like Brave!
So cute!
Sometimes even your bug friends want to go on a bike ride with you!
And you always have to introduce your friends to each other!
Gotta love summertime picnics!
And sharing a yummy raspberry treat with daddy!

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