Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tye dye and waterpark fun!

We made tye dye shirts and had so much fun!  I let Ryne pick out the colors and design...I think she did a great job!  We made one for Reese and myself as well that all somewhat match.  Then we used up the dye on some white onesies for Reese.  They all turned out pretty cute!
Notice the blue mouth!  
We met some friends at the splashpad in Rogers.  It wasn't very hot so the kiddos actually got a little cold in the water!  Of course, not cold enough to ruin the fun!  Reese had a blast crawling around exploring everything but didn't love when she would get hit with a big spray of water!  lol!

Yep...wardrobe malfunction!  Her swimsuit was a little big!
Of course no trip to the splashpad would be complete without a visit from the ice cream truck!  :)
My silly girls in their matching tye dye!

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