Friday, June 15, 2012

Hanging around the house...

There is never a dull or quiet moment around our house.  Between Ryne's silliness and Reese's curiousness we stay on our toes!

She found Mommy's chapstick!

Reese figured out how to stand up about a month ago and she loves pulling up on anything and everything!

She spent her first night in her bed a few weeks ago.  However, J has been traveling so much that we relapsed!  I feel much better with her in the rock n play by my bed and Ryne in my bed when J is gone.  Gotta have my babies close!

Love Phoebe's face!

pretty girl!

silly girl!

1 comment:

  1. Cracking up at Ryne's "Baby Got Back" picture!!! And sweet Reese all swadled up- just precious:) Bring them by to play soon!
