Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the world's best Daddy!  I took pictures of the girls to make a collage to surprise Jeremy.  Ryne was very into Father's day and kept asking when Daddy's day was!  :)  She picked out a shirt  that she could put her hand prints on that said "Hands Down World's Best Dad".  She loves doing hand prints so she was all over that!  She also picked out a card and told me what to write in it but signed her own name.  It was really sweet!  J also got a couple new golf clubs he has been eyeing.  He got to enjoy some snuggle time with both girls AND got to watch golf after church...pretty good day!  :)

Jeremy - thank you for being such a wonderful daddy to our girls!  I am so glad that they have you to look up to and show them how they should be treated!  You really are the world's best daddy!
Just for fun, here are a few that didn't make the cut...

Seeing what it tastes like!

Reese was not a huge fan of the grass!  :)

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