Saturday, June 16, 2012

Reese is 11 months old!

Reese turned 11 months old on May 27th.  I can't believe my baby girl is almost a year old!  

 Reese - you are loved more than words can express!  You light up any room you are in with your beautiful blue eyes and sweet smile.  You are a busy girl and try to get into everything...especially the remote basket and scrap book paper.  You pull up on pretty much anything and have gotten so fast at crawling!  You are on the move most of the time but still like to snuggle.  You are a very good eater but fruit of any kind is your favorite.  You are absolutely perfect and we love you so much!

Big sis wanted in one the picture fun too and picked out a sweet little dress to wear!  :)

This girl loves a dress that can twirl!


  1. She can't be!!! Sweet little Reese- such a fun age. Happy early 1 year birthday!

  2. She is getting SO big! What an exciting year you guys have had.... and it just keeps getting better! You guys are beyond blessed! Love ya! JLM
