Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lots going on...

To say things have been hectic around here would be an understatement.  We recently found out that we would be moving to Texas.  So we have been busy trying to sell our house. To add to the craziness, Jeremy has been out of town 2-3 nights each week for the past 3 weeks.  Plus we have spent the past 3 weekends house hunting around the Dallas area.  Fun times!  We have been home this weekend and I can't tell you how nice that has been!  Reese just doesn't love the car so trips are less than pleasant most of the time.  The only way she is content is if I have my hand somewhere close to her face.  She will just hold my fingers or nuzzle her head in my hand...super sweet but also a little uncomfortable on a 5 hour road trip!  :)

Anyways, we have been enjoying the summer despite keeping the house show ready and loading everyone up (dogs too) whenever somebody comes by.

My parents came for a visit a couple weeks ago.  The girls loved having them here and probably wore them out by the time they left!
Reese is super busy right now.  She gets into everything!  She loves to put things in drawers so you never know what you will find when you open one!  lol!  She loves to pull out all the scrap booking stuff the least somebody is putting it to good use!
 Reese is always close by.  One day I was cooking and I gave her some blueberries in a snack cup.  She had the best time smearing them on the dishwasher and giving herself little kisses!  :)
 One day I took my big girl to the park...just us!  We played and then walked around exploring.  Before we left the house she wanted her hair up like that sweet girl!
 We have made many trips to Texas lately.  The pictures on the left were after stopping to feed Reese and let Ryne run around.  Reese's eyelashes amaze me.  I wish I had those lashes!  The picture on the top right shows how Reese likes to ride in the sweet but also a little painful!  :)
 Ryne has stayed with gparents whenever we have gone house hunting.  Reese has gone with us because she kinda relies on me for food!  ha!  She has been such a trooper and everyone comments on how good she is! Ryne has had so much fun getting spoiled by the gparents!
 Some cute pictures of Reese.  The top middle picture is funny because we were grocery shopping and I looked down and she was out cold!  Ignore all the snacks on her onesie!
 We have been hanging out with our sweet neighbors as much as possible before we move.  Olivia brought flowers over for us one day and Ryne loved them!
 Ryne wanted to wear her princess dress up shoes everywhere last week.  I let her because seriously who cares?!  She rocked them and was happy as can be clanging around!  :)
We had pictures made for Reese's 1 year and also did some of both girls and just Ryne.  As a "you took great pictures" award we went to CEC.  Reese even got in on a few rides at ChuckECheese!
 We have also made time for some crafts.  The top one was made with shaved crayons and the bottom one was melted beads.  Ryne and I love doing crafts together!  I just let her do it her way and try to remember it is all about having fun and making memories!  We just bought her a 4th of July dress and she wanted to wear it a little can show your American pride anytime right?!
 We have played outside quite a bit but man it is hot right now!  So we have also stayed in the ac either at home or shopping.  Girls gotta shop!
 Ryne has been as silly as ever!  We bought some water balloons and she surprised daddy while he was mowing one day!  I also heard loud thumps one day and went in her room to find her bucket on daddy's head and Ryne sitting on top!  ha!
 Today we went to a sweet friend's 5th birthday party!  Ryne was excited because they got to play on a slip n slide and swim.  One of her KDO teachers was there and that was the icing on the cake for her.  Plus we got to see some friends that moved away a few months ago...great party!

1 comment:

  1. Love the one of Ryne sitting on the bucket on Jeremy's head!!! Hilarious! He's a good sport:) Looks like y'all are having a fun and busy summer:)
