Monday, July 2, 2012

Reese's first ever birthday!!!

Oh my goodness I can't believe my precious baby girl is 1!!  Where did the past year go?!  Reese had a watermelon themed party so Ryne and I took her behind the house for some pictures of our sweet girl with that sweet fruit!  :)
Love those baby blues!

headbands never last for too long!

Big sister was very engrossed in bug hunts...but she smiled for one quick picture!
Reese is a busy little girl with the sweetest personality.  She loves to help "clean up" and tries her hardest to put on shirts, hats, and headbands.  She likes to try to copy words and has recently picked up on "no" and laughs when she says it!  She is cruising and can stand alone for a few seconds before losing her balance.  She has such a cute giggle and when she smiles her whole face lights up.  She started drinking whole milk and isn't a huge fan of it yet but she is loving eating what we eat!  She is now in her room in her more rock n play!  I miss having her so close but she did pretty good with the switch!  The first couple of nights were rough but she got used to laying flat and not being swaddled and now she is sleeping good again!  She was 20 lbs 2 ozs (25%) and 28 inches (25%) at her year check up.  What she lacks in stature she makes up for in sweetness!

Oh Reesie-poo...we love you more than you will ever know.  You were the missing piece of our family and I honestly could not imagine life without my sweet little blessing!  You fill our lives with so much joy and love.  I am so happy that God made you ours!

1 comment:

  1. Pops and I were so glad we were able to share in Reese's first birthday bash! :) Her watermelon party was a big hit...of course. Her mommy did an outstanding job - everything was so cute...and we loved our party favor - yummy watermelon! Our youngest grand d is growing way too quickly and is such a sweet, blue-eyed beauty with tons of personality...she makes me smile just talking about her. She and big sis, Ryne, keep us laughing...we loved every minute of our visit...and we love our beautiful granddaughters!!! (And their mommy and daddy!)
