Saturday, November 30, 2013

We're going on a cruise!!

Sunday morning we woke the girls up and got in the car.  We told Ryne that we were tagging along with Daddy for a couple of days.  The girls love a good road trip, so they were excited!  Of course we had to stop at Bucee's!  We actually only bought toys!  ha!
Not long after we made it to Galveston and Ryne and Reese saw the boat!  They still didn't know we were getting on that boat, so they were pretty excited!  I think Ryne thought we were joking because when we asked her if she wanted to she was like "yeah, sure...but I don't have my swimsuit"...ha!
on the shuttle!
The lines weren't too bad getting on the boat (we learned last time to go late!) and soon we were showing the girls the room! Crazy small!  And no neither girl slept in a bunk bed...we slept  4 across on the big bed!
Then it was time for everyone's drill!
At least the girls were able to do some dancing during it!

The rest of the day was filled with checking out the boat, eating dinner, and going to bed!  

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