Tuesday, November 19, 2013

the first of like 30 post...

Catching up is hard to do...but here it goes!  I haven't blogged in almost 2 months and alot has happened in that time!  Our days have been filled with lots of playing, soccer, outings, family visits, birthday parties, and yep...another cruise!  So let's dive on in!

Reese and I enjoyed some mall time one day while sissy was in school...

 Then we picked Sissy up and headed straight for the park!

 Where we went on a fabulous walk!

 and saw a big turtle!
 and skin that was shed off some bug...
 After working up a sweat, it was time to cool off!  This is October in Texas!  :)

sweet sweet sisters!
 We also enjoyed lunch with Sissy!  This was our last lunch with her because she got so so upset when we had to leave.  She doesn't want us to eat with her anymore because she said it makes her too sad we we have to go home and she has to stay.  :(

 We watched Sissy play soccer and brought lots of toys to share!

The tunnel is always a highlight!

 We also got excited to walk up and get sissy after school...
 She was pretty excited too!
 After a quick change into comfy clothes, we headed to BAB to make Reese a "paci" friend!

bye bye pacies!

of course Sissy got a new friend too!
 She made a Paci doggie...

 On the way home she realized what she did!  So sad!
 The next day Paci puppy joined us at the gym!
He also tagged along with us for some game playing...
 and shopping at Target.  He rode in the buggy while the sweetest witch walked!
 We were so excited that it was Friday we went for donuts!

 and even took some to the crossing guard and Ryne's teacher!
 Reese and I also went to CFA for some toddler size fun!

 and then home for what I hoped was a nap.  Not so much!  :)
And that was one busy week!  :)  Lots more on the way!

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