Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ryne's birthday countdown!

Ryne is just like her daddy in so many ways.  Loving her birthday is one of them!  She gets so excited and loves counting down the days leading up to it.  Last year we started a 7 day birthday countdown with fun treats/surprises every day...she is a fan!  Her countdown fun consisted of new Stompee's slippers, her choice (playing at the park with Brooke followed with ice cream!), $20 to spend however she wanted, a balloon pet, a pick from the "warm fuzzy" box, a surprise party(!), and CEC.  Super fun week for a super fun girl!

Ryne was so excited to open a few more presents on her birthday!  Her favorite was the Barbie Cruise ship!  

The birthday girl getting in a little present time before school!

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