Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Halloween fun!πŸŽƒ

Halloween was a blast this year!  The girls had 3 different opportunities to wear their costumes and they LOVED every second!

Our first night of fun was the Trail of Treats around the soccer fields.  Both girls racked up on candy, but Reese liked the business cards and advertisements the most!  ha!
Ryne even won a couple of games!
Our next fun activity was our church's "Trunk or Treat".  We hosted a "trunk" and the girls had so much fun helping with the game and handing out candy.  They actually liked that more than going around themselves!
Reese kept doing squats...even wonder woman has to stay on top of fitness!  lol!
Our "trunk"
We went with a super hero theme!  The kids had to knock down the bad guy with a ball.  :)
Then on Halloween night we went Trick or Treating in our neighborhood!  Pops and GranJan came over for dinner beforehand.  Pops stayed behind to hand out our candy and GranJan walked around with us.  Ryne was super excited because our neighbor came over and wanted to trick or treat with Ryne.  They had so much fun and made out like bandits!
Just a bunch of super heroes!  

Reese was absolutely adorable!!!  She was so polite, but when they would give her chocolate she said (every single time) "I no like chocolate" and would hand it back and walk away!  I kept telling her to just say thank you and put it in her bucket...but she's 2!
I am pretty sure everyone throughly enjoyed Halloween!

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