Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day at Sea...

We started our day with breakfast...
 Then a little walking the deck...
 some putt-putt

 and other games...

 some exploring...
 more games...

 then dropped the kids off at Camp Carnival so we could hit the gym!
 After a quick work-out...we picked up the kids, ate lunch, and headed to the top!

this would have been great if they weren't photo bombed!

Reese was being silly and Ryne was being protective!

 After that the girls were hungry again!  So we headed back to the lido deck for a little snack.  While there Reese met Jefry for the first time.  He talked with her and made her a bird and then kept teasing her about it saying "meow meow".  She would just laugh and laugh.  We saw him every day after that and he always used her name and talked/played with her.  She loved him!  
After that it was nap time and then time to get ready for dinner.  Formal night!

 Then we walked around looking for picture spots...

 Ryne and Reese waited patiently for their sweet!

After grabbing some ice cream cones, hey...we are on vacation(!), we headed to bed!  It was a fun and full day!

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