Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday Ryne!

I cannot believe that my baby girl is 6!  Where does the time go?!  When talking about her party, Ryne said she wanted a spooky party, then she said she wanted a surprise party.  SO, I combined them and threw together a party.  A big shout out to GranJan who asked Ryne to spend the night with her so the surprise party could actually be a surprise!  Plus she found some cute halloween decorations!  When I say that this party was thrown together last minute I mean Ryne left the house at 6pm...and the party was a 2pm the next day...and I hadn't done one single thing for it!  
Jeremy helped cut-out the letters for the banner.  I don't think he thought all the work was worth it!  ha!

 I'm pretty sure the bakery thought I was nuts ordering halloween colored cupcakes and cookies...2 days after Halloween!
 "Witch" one will you pick?!  No scary party would be complete without props! ;)

Pumpkin Spice lattes anyone?!
This was so so low key (day before planning, what do you expect!) so we just invited family, our neighbor Sarah and the Sawa's.
Ryne noticed the decorations and looked a little puzzled!
 Hey, who's that behind the couch?!?!
 Yay, she was surprised!!

 Time for cupcakes and ice cream!

Brooke and Bram are the cutest!

 present time!
 Reese slept during most of the party and was very snuggly when she woke up!

 I somehow missed getting Ryne's picture with Pops, GranJan, and Nanny! :(

I think the party was a success because Ryne loved it and was truly surprised!

Happy birthday to our beautiful wild child!  We love you to the moon and back!

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