Friday, November 22, 2013

Not such a great day...

October 16th is always and will always be a pretty awful day because my oldest brother was killed in a car accident that day.  We miss him terribly every day, but even more on October 16th.  This October 16th proved to be awful just like the past 13!

It was a horribly rainy and cold day.  Reese and I were super late to the gym, then we walk out and see this...
So, I called road side and we sat with the heat running for about an hour until they got there and put my spare on.  The rest of the day was spent in not one, but two tire repair places...
Luckily the second one was right next door to an IHOP, so we popped in for some breakfast for lunch!
Yummy pumpkin pancakes helped a little.  :)
This cute 2 year old helped a lot!
Then it was back to waiting for our car.  I will say that Reese got a ton of attention and soaked it all up. We were completely surrounded by men and she had every one of them wrapped around her finger!
When I got home I had a lovely surprise from Jeremy!
and I ended my day like not all bad!  :)

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