Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Reese goes under...

Poor Reese has no enamel on her teeth.  It is actually something she was born with that was caused by my awful "morning" sickness!  We decided to go ahead with dental work and of course when they are this young they have to be put under.  They have an anesthesiologist that goes there for situations like that.  We got there at the time they said, and waited and waited and waited!  They had to have someone deliver the mobile xray machine and they didn't want to start until it was there so she didn't have to stay under any longer than possible.  Unfortunately, waiting that long was hard on baby girl who couldn't eat or drink anything that morning!  
We watch some of a movie, played, and took silly pictures...
love this kid!
Jeremy had to leave about 30 minutes before they started her procedure, so that meant it was just me to hold her while they put her under.  It only took a minute or two but that was the longest minute or two ever!  She cried and fought it so bad.  The dentist told me while she was fighting against everyone that she wouldn't remember it.  That was all it took for the tears to start pouring!  I hated seeing my baby like that!  Once she was asleep I had to go back to the waiting room.  Waiting is hard when your precious girl is under sedation!  After about 30 minutes they came out and said that she actually needed a sealant on every single tooth!!!  Poor baby girl has NO enamel on her baby teeth!  I gave them the okay to do what they needed to do and then waited some more.  I could not wait to get her in my arms as soon as they said she was done.  She was still sleeping and it took awhile to wake her up.  She was very groggy and cranky because of being disoriented.  But once we got home and snuggled up, she was much better.  She took a nap (which I held her for!) and woke up feeling like her normal sweet self!
I am so glad that is over and her teeth are protected,  Seeing her sweet smile is worth every $$!  

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