Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day at Sea...

A day at sea means more fun on board...

 After all that it was nap time!! Then while we were getting ready for dinner...Ryne was entertaining herself with photography!  ;)

 Dinner time!  Ryne opted for Camp Carnival but Reese wanted to stay with us!

silly willy!
 After picking up sissy both girls wanted to walk around the deck...

 Then it was time for bed!

Key West!

Our first stop was Key West!  The girls were excited to check out Fl, but first we needed food!

pure sweetness!
 Then we were off the boat for some fun in Key West!  We couldn't find an excursion that seemed like fun AND the girls could do, so we just wandered.  We found a cool tree...
 and Ryne wanted her picture with a couple of pirates!

 Reese wanted her own dollar and this was how she chose to keep up with it!  ha!
I would give her $!  :)
 We went to the aquarium and fed some stingray!
 then decided to get some lunch while we waited for shark feeding time!  Ryne found a dog on our walk to Margarittaville!  We only had to pay $2 for her to get a picture with it!  ha!

 After a super yummy lunch, we did a little shopping...
Ryne picked out a cute ring!

Reese picked out "Mingo"!
 Then we got some ice cream!

 By then it was time for the sharks to eat so we made our way back to the aquarium.  This happened while we were walking...
So I hung out with Reese while Ryne and Daddy had all kids of yucky fun in the aquarium!  ;)

 Reese and I joined them once she woke up.  Reese kept telling them "ewww, put it back".  That's my girl!  ha!

 After that it was time to head back to the boat.  We had to wait in line so Ryne decided to play some music for everyone to enjoy!
 Then she grabbed Ryne's hat and decided to try to make some $ while she was at it!

silly girl!
Once back on board we got ready for dinner.  Ryne apparently got bored waiting because I found several selfies!
 Then J and I dropped the kids off at Camp Carnival while we enjoyed a kid free dinner!  They were so cute walking in holding hands and sitting down to eat together!  When we picked them up Ryne had been turned into a pirate!  Argh!
 It took a little while to calm down...

 Then it was bedtime for all.  Another super fun day!