Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ryne's very favorite part of DW...

After we parted ways with Pops, GranJan, and Reese we headed for some special time with our very favorite 5 year old!  We jumped back on the shuttle, then to the monorail to get to Magic Kingdom.  Ryne was super excited!
 Of course first things first...the customary picture!
Then we literally caught the end of the parade so we followed it!  Ryne was waving to people like she was in it!  lol!
 Ahhhhh!  You have to sing that to get the full effect!  :)
We were back in Magic Kingdom for Ryne's appointment at the Bibbiti Bobbiti Boutique!  We arrived a little early so we hung out behind the castle for a little bit!  

 Then it was time to go in!  We started with Ryne getting her royal invitation!  Then she was able to pick out her dress (she wanted to be Ariel but the "real girl" Ariel!) and if course added some accessories to go along with it!  She actually wanted to surprise me with what she picked out so she had Jeremy help her and then popped out to surprise me.  Love my little stinker!
All dressed and ready to be princess-ified!
Next we waited until her fairy godmother called her name!  She was so excited but also pretty convinced that she wanted to keep her hair down...I mean this child does not like to have her hair done in any way!

 However, after a little persuading her fairy godmother got it up!  :)

 She LOVED getting pampered!  The cutest thing was the big reveal!  They kept her turned away from the mirror until she was all done!

So so sweet!!!
 After getting pampered we headed for her photo shoot!  She was totally in character!  :)

 After the photo shoot we heard that we may be able to catch Ariel after the Little Mermaid we headed that way!  There was like a 30 minute wait for the ride and Ryne was sleepy, so this is how she was for most of it...

She got her second wind after a little while!  :)

 Then we found out that Ariel was in a totally different area that wasn't connected to the ride.  It was just about 200 yards away so we went there.  There was a LINE and we were pushing it for our dinner reservations...but we met Ariel as a mermaid!  Ryne was beyond happy!

 Then we ran for our dinner reservations...stopping once or twice for a picture.  :)

 We got there right on time and headed into the castle for dinner with Cinderella!!  That's right folks...we went IN the castle!  :)
 We met Cinderella first before going up the stairs to eat dinner with the other princesses.
 Ryne actually wanted the gloves to match Cinderella's gloves!
Next was dinner time!  I thought it was the best food the entire time we were there!  That might have been because it was 9:05pm and I was starving!!
 Ryne loved meeting all the pretty princesses!  She could barely eat because she was so excited!

 Ariel was there too...and as a REAL GIRL!!!  Ryne thought that was awesome!

The fireworks actually went off during dinner and it was pretty cool to be sitting in the castle watching the show! Then before we knew it dinner was over and it was time to go!  Ryne actually asked to change before we left because her dress was itchy, so we popped into a bathroom to take care of that.  Several other girls were doing the same thing!  lol!
We ended the night with the Ariel ride one more time, then Peter Pan and It's a small world 2 times.  We fit alot in right before they closed!  :) It was such a fun night with our big girl!

Once we got back to the hotel we got Ryne settled before going to get Reese from Pops and GranJan's room.  She was obviously sacked out since it was like midnight!  She had a fun night with the gparents!  She barely even woke up when I picked her up and carried her all the way to a different building!  That was one tired girl!

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