Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ryne's last day of KDO...

Ryne had her last day of KDO last month.  She went on Tuesdays and Thursdays so on Thursday they had a "Fun in the Sun" day.  They rented tons of inflatable slides and bounce houses and had games and face painting.  A super fun day for them!
Ryne's teacher gifts...candy bouquets with gift cards to there favorite stores.
 While I was getting ready Ryne fell and hurt her knee.  So she propped it up and Reese decided to join her!
 She was back to 100% soon and we were on our way to school!
 After dropping sissy off Reese and I headed to run some errands.  I will totally miss doing my errands with just one kid!  ha!  One of our stops was Target (which of course requires popcorn) and Reese kept putting it on her head saying "my hat"!  ha!  Funny girl!
 We picked up sissy, said bye to all get friends and teachers and hello to summer!  That night we met all of Ryne's soccer friends at a local ice cream shop for an end of the season party!  No better way to welcome summer than ice cream with friends!  :)

not sure what is with Ryne's silly smile!

 That night Ryne asked to sleep in our bed so we let her.  When we were getting ready for bed we saw this in the bathroom...
Jeremy rented Paranorman a couple months ago and in it a ghost comes out of the potty.  Since then it is pretty normal to see things piled up on the potty a the door locked!  ha!  By the way - I feel the need to point out that I said NO to the movie...hmmm...maybe mommy knows best!  :)

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