Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A bunch of random pictures

I am so far behind on blogging.  We had SO many pictures from DW that I just couldn't find the motivation to tackle the blog.  But now that is done I need to catch up on other fun moments.  This is a hodge podge of of cute/sweet/funny pics.  
 While shopping Reese insisted on hugging every mannequin she saw!
 They had "Muffins with Mom" at Ryne's school. It was fun to have breakfast with my girl(s) and get to do a fun craft with her!
 Reese thought she was big stuff and tried to steal everyone's orange juice!  We are not juice drinkers (milk and water only) so that was a big treat!

 I love when I catch sweet moments with my girls...

Ryne loves a good selfie!

Poppi, GranDi, and Uncle Lance came over after Ryne's soccer game for some lunch and play time... 

 We made some yummy "mix-n-match mama" cookies.  Seriously GOOD!

 One Sunday after church I took Ryne to CEC while Reese (and Daddy) napped at home.  She and I both love our rare alone time.  :)

 Then our neighbor came over to play for a few hours once we got home...
 Ryne had her last soccer game of the season.  :(  She is becoming such a good soccer player!  I love watching her play!

I think the tunnel is there favorite part!

Go Baby Rhinos!

I ALMOST kinda forgot about Teacher Appreciation gifts!  I made Banana Pudding for their luncheon and had something else planned for their gifts but then last minute scratched that idea and ran through sonic for gifts cards on our way TO school!  We sat in the car cutting ribbon and putting the gifts together but we got it done and were just a few minutes late.  :)
 Love a good play day!  Our Sonic has a really fun playground with rides that I never have change for!

 Yep, you know you have wanted to have a tortilla face at some point too!  :)
 Then Mommy got sick...really really sick!  Like threw up every time I stood up.  Thankfully I had two little helpers to nurse me back to health! :)  I actually got sick at the best time possible because J was in town SO he worked at the kitchen table and took car of the girls so I could sleep.  The girls snuck in often to check on me but he did a fabulous job of multi-tasking that day!

 Reese loves to chalk!  And she is so obsessed with Minnie...it is hard to get her out of her MM pj's...but sometimes she will for another MM shirt!

 A little brunch...

 Lots of outside play time...even better in swimsuits with water!

She has her own style!
 Then we had a rough day full of possible tornadoes!  I talked to J and we thought the girls bathroom area would be the best spot because it has the main bathroom door and then a door where the toilet and shower are.  So I put Ryne's mattress in there to lean over the tub (that was no easy task!) and filled the tub with blankets and pillows.  Ryne was pretty excited about it and ended up hanging out in the tub quite a bit while I watched the news and listened to the weather radio!  I am not a fan of bad weather and all the thunder, lightening, hail, rain, and possible tornadoes had me on edge big time.  Especially after what had just happened in Oklahoma!  But we made it with NO tornado!  In our next home (or this one if by some small miracle we stay here) I really want to reinforce a closet with steel to have a good safe room!  You can do that pretty cheaply during the building process.
 At least with all the rain we had plenty of puddles to play in the next day!

checking out the ant pile.

 Have I mentioned that Reese is obsessed with MM?!  She adores her and adores these pj's.  It is SO hard to get her to wear any others and to take them off period!  So on this day I didn't feel like messing with it and let her wear them on our walk to our little clubhouse playground.  She was in heaven!  :)

super fake but sweet "cheese"
doing a little shopping at Bass Pro!
Jeremy had to fly out on Mother's Day for the week so he sent me flowers on Monday.  So sweet.  :)
 More fun in the sun!

 My mom got Reese this MM swimsuit.  She LOVED it of course and seriously bawled when she had to take it off for bath time.  Like ran from me trying to pull it back up screaming her little head off!  Poor little MM lover!

And that concludes this portion of catch up!  :)  I still have SO much more though...

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