Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 5...

We had an early start on Day 5 and neither girl was ready for it!  Poor Reese was so tired she insisted on taking her paci and blanket in the tub with her!  Thankfully we have 2 of her blankets so she had a new clean one to take with us later.  :)

We had the earliest breakfast possible in Animal Kingdom!  It was awesome because we got in way before the park opened!  As soon as we got to Tusker House we met up with Donald before going in to eat.  :)

Reese was a little more open to the characters this meal but she still didn't want them to touch her or get too close!  :)
 Ryne had no problems of course!

Reese picked off sprinkles one by one and didn't eat any of the actual donut!  :)

After breakfast we walked right over to the Safari and were one of the first in lines because the park had JUST opened!  We jumped on ready to see some animals!  Poor Reese only made it a few minutes before crashing!

and she's out!
 As soon as we got off we noticed that Pocahontas was close by!  We made our way and waited for Ryne's chance to meet the Indian Princess!
watching her through the bushes!

Next we wandered for a bit...
Yep, she loves her Mommy!
We made it to the Dinosaur ride and walked right on it as well.  

Ryne loved it and gladly rode again with Pops and GranJan!
 She wanted these dinosaurs at the gift shop and then HAD to take their picture by the big Dino!  :)
 We went to the kid area to ride some of their rides and Ryne noticed a face painting station.  So she used some of her money to get turned into a wild animal!

So in character!
The face paint only lasted about an hour before she was ready to wipe it off!  ha!  It clashed with her dress so I was fine with that!  :)

Next up was Everest!  I loves it, but Ryne not so much!  That was a one and done for her!
She was excited while waiting in line!
She didn't love the backwards part!
So since she had no desire to ride again with Pops and Gran Jan we headed to where we heard Minnie was hanging out!  On the way there we found a photographer and had a quick picture or two done!

It's Tinkerbell!

By that time we caught up with Pops and Gran Jan and stopped for a little educating!
 There was a line once we made it to Minnie Mouse but we were under a misting fan so it was all good!  While we were waiting Pops had a guitar playing guy make up a song about Gran Jan...he did an awesome job! So fun!

 We waited for about 20 minutes and right when it was our turn Minnie had to go on break!  Boo!  But Ryne and Reese used the time to run around with their new friends!  One was from another country and didn't speak a bit of English but that didn't stop them all from playing together!

 The photographer was still hanging out there and started snapping pics of my littlest cutie!  I just love when they go out of their way to create/capture special moments!

 Then MM came back and Reese made a beeline for Mommy!  :)

sweet kisses!
After saying bye to MM and our new friends we walked down a little ways to visit a couple other characters!

After that it was time for a quick treat before heading back to Magic Kingdom to finish off our vacation!
Pops and Gran Jan saying bye to Animal Kingdom!

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