Tuesday, June 11, 2013

10 years...

Jeremy and I celebrated 10 wonderful years of marriage on May 17th.  I can't believe we are old enough to be celebrating 10 years!  Wow!  We are going on a vacation later this year so we decided to just do a little weekend get-away for now.  We headed to San Antonio and did a little shopping on the way.  Well, we did alot of shopping and ended up thinking our car had been stolen!  ha!  Thankfully we just misplaced it but it was a pretty stressful 30 minutes!  :)  We finally made it to our hotel and were greeted with soda and ice cream!  Oh the perks of having a traveling husband.  :)

our view
 The next day we walked right out of our hotel onto the Riverwalk and that is where we spent the day.  We did a little shopping and of course went to the Alamo.  It is such a neat place and we enjoyed talking our time looking around.
This tree is in the middle of the Alamo grounds.
 Then we walked around a bit more and enjoyed the Armed Services boat parade.  Pretty cool!
 We also watched a movie (Horrible movie - Pain and Gain) in an awesome theater!  Reclining seats?!  Yes please!
Then we had some Mexican food on the River while people watching. That is always fun!  :)  After that we just strolled around until we came across Ripley's Believe It or Not and the Wax Museum.  Of course we had to go in!
You could crawl in a little area at one point and I seriously thought that guy was real for a second!  lol! 
Tallest man ever!
J made some new friends!

 Next was the wax museum.  We actually got there as they were locking the doors but they still let us go through.  I did beg them to not forget we were in there!  ha!
hanging with my Twilight peeps!  :)

One of the most inspirational men ever.
Thankfully we didn't get locked in and made it back to our hotel in one piece!  Unfortunately Jeremy woke up throwing up and almost passing out in the middle of the night.  His dinner didn't sit well with him and he was pretty miserable the whole way home the next day.  Other than that it was a great trip!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the Obama pic! ha Happy 10 year anniversary to y'all. Hate that Jeremy got sick but it happens to the best of us:(
