Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Houston fun...

A few weeks ago we decided to tag along with Daddy to Houston.  We drove up after work on Wednesday and spent the night.  Then, while he worked on Thursday, we went to the Aquarium!  It ended up being a horribly rainy yucky day so we needed to do something inside.  In hind sight I wish we would have gone to the children's museum because the aquarium itself was SMALL and we walked through it in 15 minutes.  Yep, you read that right...15 minutes!  Then the sky opened up and it poured!!!  We had bought the adventure pass which meant we could do all the rides, however all the rides were outside.  boo!  So here is how our day went...

We got there a few minutes before it opened so the girls played while I got all our gear loaded up.  We got there right before 2 school buses...score!  We actually started walking through at 9:47 (it didn't actually open until 10) so we had it to ourselves!

Ryne acting scared in the "tomb" style room with spiders!
 They did have this really cool Tiger!  SO pretty!  They actually have 4 and they take turns in the viewing area.

 The adventure pass also let Ryne in to pet the stingray!  She loves that!
 And that was the end and it was now 10:02.  Yep...15 minutes!  So we tried to go outside to get on the train because it was barely sprinkling at this time...but then as we got down there the sky seriously opened up and we got drenched!!!  So we went back around to the front and walked through again.  By now all the school groups were in and we seriously walked single file through the aquarium because of all the people.

 After watching the Tiger for about 30 minutes (mainly because we were stuck in the corner with the stroller) we decided to go to the car to go somewhere else.  We got drenched again getting to the car!  The girls had a snack and watched some Elmo while I tried to figure out a Plan B.  We decided to just go to the mall and pull out to leave (we were under a bridge) and see that it isn't raining anymore!  Yay!  So we re-park and head back in, this time without the stroller!

 After we walked through that time they started opening the rides back up!

 This ferris wheel went SO high!  I was a little nervous but Ryne loved it!

 We rode all the rides 3 times each - the train, carousel, and ferris wheel.  Reese actually fell asleep on the ferris wheel and stayed asleep while we did the train ride too.  Then they saw the splash pad...why not get deliberately wet?!  They had a blast and had it to themselves.  :)

Ryne acting scared of the shark!
We ended up having so much fun and I am so thankful that the weather cleared off!  After our fun afternoon (we will forget about the morning!) we headed to pick Daddy up to head back home.  I love our little trips with Daddy!  :)

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