Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 3...

Day 3 was a rough start with some sleepy girls!  But after a little MMCH they were ready to go to Epcot for our brunch with the Princesses!
Reese was excited and leading the way!
 Customary picture...of course!
Poor Reese had sunscreen in her eyes on this day.  :( 
This one may be my favorite except for poor Reese's eyes!
We headed towards the back to where we were eating Brunch.  They messed up doing Pops and Gran Jan's reservations so they were not able to eat with us.  :(  But they had some grown up time and we met up afterwards.

We got there early so I hung out with the girls while Jeremy ran to get us all Soarin' fast passes.  We talked, played follow the leader, played games on my phone, and entertained folks with ring around the rosy!
Our little Snow White and Ariel!

 Daddy got back and before too long it was our turn to go in!  Belle greeted us right inside the door for pictures!  Reese acted brave but changed her mind quickly.  :)
Then we were seated for what was Jeremy's very favorite meal!  They brought out loads of breakfast food - eggs, hash browns, sausage, and bacon for the tables and then had a buffet set up with fruit, bagels, etc.  It was good especially if you are a breakfast lover like J!  :)  Princesses popped up right and left while we were was a fun morning!
I wanted Reese's picture with Snow White and this was the only way!
They went on a princess parade and Ryne was so excited that Aurora came and grabbed her to walk with her!

 Aurora was probably my favorite on this day.  She was so sweet and so in character!  She took alot of time talking and playing with Ryne!

 She even tried to win Reese over but Reese was focused on the strawberries and grapes!

Check out Reese's cheeks...she was packing it in!
 And we saw Ariel again!!  She said that Ryne looked like she had just swam up and that next time they should both wear their flounder dresses. :)
 This little cutie seriously just wanted to eat!
 After breakfast we met up with Pops and Gran Jan and took turns riding the Viking ship.  Reese had fallen asleep, that girl is such a good sleeper!  The Viking ride was super fun and Ryne thought this guy on the way out was picture worthy!

 Next it was time for Soarin'!  Jeremy and I took Ryne first...

 She LOVED it and was excited to go again with Pops and Gran Jan!

By then Reese had woken up so we went to ride something we could all do...Nemo!

 I'm not the best at the selfie!  lol!

 The ride ends at the aquarium which was a hit with the girls!

 They put on a scuba demonstration which was really neat.  Fun fact - it only took like 30 seconds to drain and refill that tank!

Can you see Reese?!
I love this one!

 We did some other stuff and then went to the Test Track!  Gran Jan didn't want to ride this one so she hung out with Reese while the rest of us did it.  They have changed it some and it was fun!  Ryne loved it too!
 After that we needed a little pick me up so we stopped for snacks AND pictures with this guy!
Reese loved him from afar but would not stand without me!

love my family!
After that we went to China to see the acrobats!  Reese and Ryne were totally mesmerized!

totally impressed!
A little funny story - While they were in the middle of stacking themselves on top of each other Reese dropped her bottle cap and it rolled out of their stage area!  We all just kinda looked at each other and she loudly said "I get it" and tried to go through their ropes to get it!  ha!  We grabbed her in time and they finished up soon after without slipping on the cap!  :)
 After that the girls were tired and Ryne was begging to swim so we parted ways with Pops and Gran Jan so they could walk through the rest of Epcot and we headed back to the hotel.  On the way out we passed Tinkerbell's butterfly garden so we popped in for a second before heading out.

We quickly changed into swimsuits once we got back because it was already late!  
 It was pretty chilly but the girls didn't mind.  Mommy and Daddy didn't like it much though!

Then we were back in the hotel for quick showers and then dinner before calling it a night!  We were all exhausted!

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