Monday, June 3, 2013

Homeward bound...

We were sad that our much anticipated (for the grown-ups!) vacation was over.  But we did still get to spend the day at Downtown Disney
waiting to check out...
 Ryne actually picked another kid to give her balloon too.  She is such a sweet girl!
 We made it to Downtown Disney in time for lunch!  On the way to Planet Hollywood we found a cool parrot to watch for a minute!
 Reese also saw a few friends along the way...

After lunch we did some shopping.  Jeremy found something to do to occupy his time.  :)
Then it was back to the hotel to catch our shuttle to the airport!  Funny story - we ate dinner before our flight and Reese kept looking around saying "Minnie, Daisy, Mickey, Goofy" funny!  She was so use to them popping up while we were eating that she thought they would there too!  lol!

 The girls did great again on the flight!  They played, colored, watched the Ipad and the finally fell asleep about 10 minutes before we landed!  ha!

It was a fabulous vacation!!!  We are already wanting to plan our next Disney trip!

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