Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 4...

 We headed back to Magic Kingdom for the day on day 4.  There is just so much to do there and we really hadn't even made a dent in it!

 Our very first thing was meeting a couple fairies.  We jumped in line as soon as we got in the park and the wait wasn't too long.  Reese had fun playing while we waited...

 Then she fell asleep right before it was our turn!  Have I said what a good napper she is?!
Ryne had fun meeting the fairies though!  Jeremy and I both agreed that Rosetta was the best!  She was so in character and had the accent and mannerisms down perfectly!

The last time we went to DW Ryne was obsessed with Tinkerbell and was completely starstruck when she met her!  This time it was no biggie!  ;)

 After meeting the Fairies we went to ride Splash Mountain.  We switched with Pops and GranJan which is always good for Ryne because she pretty much always wants to ride again!  This time though Jeremy did it again too!

Ryne is sitting by Jeremy but ducked down so you can't see her!  ha!
 Reese and I hung out on the little play area while we waited.  She LOVED this little area!

 I can't remember what ride these are from?!  That's what I get for blogging a month after we got back!  ha!

Then it was time for our lunch reservation!  We went to eat with Pooh and his friends!

Reese loved the characters from afar but was not a fan of them talking to her!  
but she did love the food!  :)

Pooh had just waved at her!  ha!
Ryne loved on them all!
Reese did like when Pooh played peek-a-boo!

 After lunch we went on more rides...

 The boat ride was a group favorite!

I adore this picture!!!

 Then we went on a search for a dole whip float.  Pretty much every blog I read about DW talked about this particular treat so I HAD to try it.  Let me tell you it did not disappoint!  Jan and I waited in line for like 30 minutes (longer than we waited for probably anything else!  ha!) but it was so good!  I will definitely get another one the next time we go to Magic Kingdom!  :)

 More rides...

Relaxing on the people mover!

Pops trying to grab a quick nap!  :)

 Then more rides!
don't you love how great of a job some random guy did?!  I guess he didn't realize Ryne was with us!  ha!
Then we did the Ariel ride again because Pops, GranJan, and Reese hadn't gotten to ride it yet.

 Then it was roller coaster time! Pops didn't want to ride so just the 4 of us went at the same time while Reese played on that little play area again.

 Peter Pan for everyone!

 We did some other rides and then ended our night with the carousel a couple more times.
 After that both girls were out!

I think this is a good time to mention that I carried Reese about 90% of the time while we were at DW!  She didn't want anyone but Mommy and didn't like to ride in the stroller very much.  She better be glad she's so cute and so impossible to say no too!  ;)

It was another awesome day!  Next up...Animal Kingdom!

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