Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 2...

Day 2 was a Hollywood Studios kind of day!  After our late night we weren't in a huge rush to get going...but with kids it happens anyways! :)  Reese woke up first so I kept her quiet with a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I got ready.
 Then it was time to wake up Ryne and Daddy...doesn't she look ready to go?!
 By the time we got on the bus all was good in the world!  ;)  Of course with this little girl all is always good in her world!

 First stop...customary picture of course!

 Then we made our way back to the tower of terror!  We had Ryne pretty excited about it!

 This was during the spooky video part!
 Their scared faces!  :)
Then the ride happened!  We were about to get on the seriously next in line and Ryne said she changed her mind.  We forced talked her into it and all climbed on.  She was fine during the first part and I told her that we were going to drop down and shoot back up but that we would be fine and I would hold on to her the whole time.  She almost climbed on my lap with the first drop!!  Poor girl was scared to death and we felt like the world's worst parents! But after I carried her off and we looked at our pictures she was fine again...but she definitely didn't want to ride again with Pops and Gran Jan!  ha! 
 So J and I hung out with the girls while Pops and Gran Jan rode the Tower of Terror.  :)  They enjoyed snacking a bit while we waited...

 After that J and I hoped on the Rock n Roller coaster for a quick ride...
Then it was time for something a little more low key...The Toy Story ride!

 After that was lunch, then a show, and then the Backlot tour.

  Beauty and the Beast time!  We got there right when it started and still had great seats!  :)

Reese was way more into this kids Mickey lanyard!
Ryne was completely ingrossed! 

Backlot tour time!
Reese stayed awake for about 5 minutes of it! :)

 So after the backlot tours I found a shady spot and held this little princess while she napped away for about an hour!
 Ryne had fun meeting some cool peeps...

Then Reese woke up for a little dress up fun and snacks!  :)

After that we parted ways.  Jeremy and I took Ryne for some special big girl time while Pops and Gran Jan hung out with Reese!  I'll post about Ryne's "Best night ever" next!  :)

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