Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Zoo crazies...

We went to the Zoo with the rest of Dallas one day a couple weeks ago.  It was during the week but apparently some schools were already out plus some schools were there on field trips.  It was nuts!  BUT the girls enjoyed it like usual so it was all good.  :)

I let the girls wear there swimsuits so they could play in the water area for a little bit.  But first things first...the carrousel! 
Notice Reese's paci says Ryne...we had lost ALL of hers and were desperate!  :)
 The water area was fun for both girls and it was easy for me to be able to stay with Reese and still see Ryne.  Ryne of course made a few new friends.  :)
 Reese's swimsuit is super cute under there, but she refused to take off her cover-up!

 After all the water fun they could handle we put on dry clothes and had a quick snack!

 Then it was time to explore...

We enjoyed our little outing and both girls crashed soon after getting in the car!  I like to wear them out and let them sleep!  :)

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