Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The rest of the week...

Wednesday morning was spent doing laundry and some playing.  We had a group wedding with all Ryne's little friends.  That girl knows who is who's love and you better not match up two that aren't "loves"!
That afternoon we went to Pops and GranJan's to pick up the pups.  Ryne wanted to hold Star on the way home but about 1/2 way back she handed her over to Reese.  Reese was loving it!
Reese is climbing on everything now!  She can get in the window seats and on our coffee table with no problems.  Trouble!

Thursday was team day at school so Ryne got to wear her cute little cheerleader uniform.  Of course she had to take her new friend decked out in her uniform as well!

Reese and I ran a few errands and then came home for lunch and nap.  She was quite proud of feeding herself applesauce!

We just hung out around the house on Friday waiting for Daddy to get done with work.  I try to work out each day during Reese's nap and Ryne's quiet time but it was a big fail this day.  Reese slept 30 minutes and I couldn't get her to go back to sleep.  So I put some books in the pack n play!  Ryne and her read books and laughed for about 30 minutes so I did get a little time in!  :)

Then it was the weekend...yay!

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