Thursday, February 21, 2013

After church...

We tried to go to Dickey's but they had closed...gasp!  They had the BEST barbecue and we had decided it would be our after church tradition.  Bummer!  So we went hibachi instead.  :) 

love my girls!
looking a little worried!
Reese does not like the fire!
There was a Sweet Frog a few doors down so we walk down for a little dessert.  :)

digging into her fruit!
It was really pretty so we decided to go for a walk once we got home.  We even took the dogs!  Ryne thought it was super fun to walk with the dogs!

 We walked down to the pond and played around for a little while.  Jeremy tried a little hill billy bass fishing!  ha!

Reese stole my sunglasses and put them one like this...

 Ryne almost got drug into the water by Phoebe on the way home when Phoebe spotted another dog across the pond!  We had to yell for Ryne to let go of the lease because she wasn't about to drop it for anything!  ha!  Thankfully Jeremy rescued them both but Phoebe needed a bath as soon as we got home!

Happy girl after a fun afternoon!

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