Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reese is 19 months!

Reese turned 19 months almost a month ago!  I totally meant to do an official 18 month post for her but I have totally been a bad blogger.  I promise we adore you Reese!
beautiful girl with super sweet lashes!

I have a picture pretty close to this of Ryne in this exact dress.  I'll post them both sometime soon.  :)

 Reese is talking more and more.  She says Daddy, Mama, Sissy, Pops, PapPaw, Gi-Gi, Star, dog, more, thank you (dank choo), welcome, popcorn, snack (nack), mine, uh oh, whoa, night-night (nigh-nigh), dat (for what's that), teat (treat), ball, balloon, dirty, out, no-no (nea nea), book, bottle (bobble), elmo (even though she has never watched elmo she goes nuts over elmo stuff!), nana for banana, bird, baby, shoe, bye-bye, hi, bubbles, color (tolor) and probably lots more that I can't think of right now.  She likes to make animal sounds - roar, tweet, quack (dack), ssss, ruff.  She will do anything you ask her to do (I hope that obedient nature stays!).  She loves to love on her puppies and give them "teats". She is obsessed with her blanket and switches between a couple different stuffed animals.  She has the cutest personality and little laugh.

Reese - you are such a little ray of sunshine!  You are in a good mood 99.9% of the time.  You are so incredibly sweet and have us all wrapped around your little finger.  We absolutely adore you and the wonderful little person you are!
I love how she is staring down Ryne!
 Ryne - we are pretty crazy about you too!!

working it!  ha!

There's our crazy girl!
And picture time is over!  :(

 It is amazing what a little pretzel can do!  :)

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