Friday, February 22, 2013

the next day...

Jeremy came home!!  We decided to make him a special Valentine's dinner to celebrate a day late!  And no Valentine's dinner would be complete without a heart shaped cake!  :)
my silly little helper!

She liked that it would stand there by itself!  :)

her favorite part!
 Ryne then decided it would be fun to make a menu for daddy so she worked hard on that with a little help spelling things! We printed out pictures of everything we were eating and she put them on the menu - lasagna, garlic bread, steamed broccoli and corn (because the girls will not eat corn) and cake for dessert!

I also had some help cleaning!  Reese loves when I change sheets...she thinks it is great fun to jump into the piles!

 Of course Ryne had to join in on the fun!  She loves a good jumping pile!
Yes, that is a pack n play that is ALWAYS up in our room!   Reese and Ryne both sleep in my room when J is gone.   :)

 We were so excited when Daddy got home!  The girls greeted him at the door and Ryne gave him the menu she made for his special dinner. :)
Reese enjoyed the special dinner too!  :)

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