Friday, February 22, 2013

Our Valentine's Day...

We had a pretty good Valentine's day even though Jeremy was out of town.  We started the morning with Valentine surprises for the girls.  They each had a big balloon, flowers, some candy (yogurt melts for Reese), a book, special new cups, and a bear for Reese and and Ryne's request - a dog that looks like Star that she can carry in a purse.  :)
Reese waited patiently for her breakfast of bacon and pancakes by munching on some yogurt melts!  :)
 Ryne waited patiently brushing her new Star!  :)
After breakfast we got ready and took Ryne to MDO.  Then Reese and I went grocery shopping before coming home for her nap.  After that it was time to get sissy!

We hung out around the house and then got ready for our special Valentine dinner.  Pops and GranJan insisted on taking us and Nanny to dinner for Valentine's day!  I thought that was super sweet because not only was it Valentine's day but it was also their anniversary!  So I got everyone loaded up and tried to leave and my battery was completely dead!  None of my neighbors were home yet so I texted Jan and they came to my rescue!  The rest of the night was incident free and we enjoyed our dinner out.  :)
I don't know why the girls were doing this...but I got to snap a picture of Reese's very first dog ears!!

They came by the house for a few minutes after dinner to give out Valentine's presents!  My girls racked up the Valentine's gifts between us and the grandparents!  Spoiled rotten for sure!  :)

After they left I put Reese to bed and then let Ryne stay up extra late to watch a movie with me.  It ended up being a really good day but we did miss Jeremy a ton!  Oh, don't feel too bad for him though because his Valentine's night consisted of being with his co-workers in a rented out Universal Studios!  :)

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