Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hanging with my little...

I love the quality time I get with Reese on MDO days.  I feel like most days I am being pulled in 1,000 different directions so it is nice to have a chance to hang with my little girl.  She is so stinkin' cute and sweet...I could eat her up!  One day last week we were playing with her castle and princesses.  At one point she put all her princesses in bed and then went to Ryne's room, got a blanket, and then tried to cover them up.  So cute!
I cannot believe how big she is getting.  Her sitting on her little knees playing pretend makes me realize that she is quickly becoming a little girl and not so much a baby!  :(

After playing and then a nap it was time to pick up big sis.  Reese LOVES going to pick up Ryne.  She gets so excited when she sees the church.  We decided to head to McD's for some after school fun.  Ryne had wanted to go in the one particular McD's for awhile so we went to that one.  It only had a teeny tiny area for Reese so I don't plan to go back any time soon.

Reese did not lack any attention!  Everyone wanted to help her and Ryne did really well sharing her sister!
Big sis is her very favorite helper though!

I didn't get any pictures of Ryne because she was way more interested in playing with a new friend that stopping to smile for me!  :)

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